"Well enjoy it while its happening, because it goes by quicker than you know."
As if there was a way that you could consciously enjoy things more, because you know they will soon be over. If any of you have discovered this technique, please post some instructions in the comment section. Otherwise, I assume things will continue to fly by and I will continue to wonder if there was any possible way I could have soaked up more of those events as they passed.
What does this have to do with the last week (really the last month)? Well I suppose I should just relate the events which have passed this month as recorded by my google calender.
April 28th-29th: Fraternity Formal (Great weekend but very stressfull)
May 1st: 5page Paper due
(just classes and such until...)
May 4th: Senior Barcrawl with fraternity brothers (We got T-shirts but don't go to hard because...)
May 5th: Interview for position with local publishing company 1Oam; Perfrom Concert 8pm; Cinco de Mayo party hosted by yours truly
May 6th: Relax if you possibly can
May 7th: interview again; become paralyzingly sick. Challenge*: stay conscious for no more than two hours at any given point
May 8th: Still sick; Abstract for a class due
May 9th: Still sick; 12 page paper due
May 10th: Kind of sick; 12 page paper actually due (extension for the win!)
May 11th: Give Percussion recital; Have lunch; Go see Avengers; SLEEP!
May 12th: Chili Cook Off; listen to a buch of good music all day; return home 11pm.
May 13th: Mothers Day; spend all day with mom!
May 14th: Library Lock in; Paper Writing Season; all day
May 15th: 10 Page paper due; 8 page paper due; 3 page paper due+2 hour final
May 16th: 6 page paper due+ 5 minute presentation+ try to squeeze one more post in; 2 hour final.
That pretty much brings me up to this exact moment. It went by so quickly I'm not even sure it all happened. And I'm certainly not sure I want to go back and re-live any portion of it. Going back and re-living any portion would mean I would have to re-live the rest of it all anyway. No regrets.
Anyway, I suppose where all of this is leading is to is in general my senioritus raging violently against the amount of things I must accomplish....and seeing as blogs seem to be partially about venting frustration I figured it would be good to do so.
As far as music is concerned, this is part of what I performed. I messed up a few times here but the performance on friday was pretty solid. Enjoy! (and sorry I don't know how to make that annoying rattle go away without recording again, and I didn't get a chance to do that.)
Awolnation put on a great show at the Chili cook off. If you don't know them....you should. Also Cake played well! Incubus played well but did a kind of boring set. Finally, Neon Trees? They played a great show as well and while I wasn't familiar with any of there music, they are certainly on the radar now. Anywho, go forth and listen to music! Any comments or concerns are greatly apprectiated. Until next time.......Good night Detroit!
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